As people self-realize, they build. As they think to discover themselves, they actually erect the self, and call it a discovery As we think to uncover ourselves we actually build a big cover system. We cover our self from God. We also insulate ourselves from truth/reality. The process brings a person face to face with some ugly things. Many think that everything perceived in us is accurately ours and part of our identity. They don’t reckon on these findings as optional, because modern psychology has taught it —what you observe in you, is you. There is no “devil” in this thinking. There is no right or wrong. There is only you. Hey, what you find, must be realized, to make you be a “real” person. This may be sincere, unconscious observation; but tough to swallow for some watching from outside.. One, the religious-moral folk really don’t want to see the…
Category: <span>God’s Psychology</span>
Can a person come to experience their position in Christ to any degree? “If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away, all things are become new.” “you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God.” These verses describe a position or standing and salvation revealed these pregnant truths, beautiful children, yet unborn. Obviously, the verse refers not to physical death, but a death which agrees with the truth that “Christ died for all, so we are all dead,” 2 Corinthians 5:14. Can we experience it, however? Furthermore, can we let not sin therefore reign in our mortal body? Paul says forbid it in Rom 6:12. How do we do this? These are all great questions. “Neither yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness—yield yourselves to God and your members instruments of righteousness,” is another. Romans 6:12-13. I must become a bit abstract. God’s…
So much of adolescence is an ill-defined dying, an intolerable waiting, a longing for another place and time, another condition. Theodore Roelhke Adolescence lives for experimentation, whether we like It or not. An in-between time, the age in which Abraham lived moves from childhood-identity to a trial and error of proving. Clinging to a hope of landing in a solid way, it seeks a not yet known ideal. Many Christian thinkers disagree with the term “adolescent;” however most would agree we don’t just jump from childhood to adulthood. How does this relate to soul healing? Let us start with unconditional love. Unconditional love reigns extreme, radical, and stands a direct contrast to the best love man can work up. Let’s not water down what it means. If we give our thoughts to meditating on it, we determine the best effort of love a human can make purposes loving,…
Woods and Snow “That men were ashamed, was the essential consequence of the fact that their glory; that clothing of honor of their body had been perverted into the shame of nakedness… Franz Delitzsch So far, (in this book), we have reviewed an abstract on hair-raising trauma, a treatise of the ego, and a true to life tale about how the downward drag of religion started the negative ball rolling in my young life. What do these three very different thoughts imply? Where do they overlap? Do you relate at all to the parts, or whole? I actually asked myself a similar question; what is a very real similarity in it all? The striking point of cohesion is written in one word: shame. Shame and awareness of inadequacy, awareness of a need for more, a groping to reach for something not yet there, and the thing that brings a…
Arizona Scenery Let’s begin with dissociation. “a term in psychology describing a wide array of experiences from mild detachment from one’s immediate surroundings to more severe detachment from one’s physical and emotional reality.” “The major characteristic of all dissociative phenomena involves a detachment from reality.” Daydreaming and non-pathological altered states of consciousness are mild forms. “On the other end of the spectrum are the dissociative disorders: fugue, depersonalization etc. These are typically experienced as startling, autonomous intrusions into the person’s usual ways of responding or functioning. They are quite unsettling. In mild cases dissociation can be regarded as a coping mechanism or defense mechanism in seeking to master, minimize or tolerate stress—including boredom and conflict.” Wikipedia It interests me, and maybe all of us, to see a psychological picture of the wound which effects the dissociation. Before we do that, let us consider what causes the wound: generally associated with…
Frustrating things humble a man or woman’s soul. They do things in two categories: (1) take away something that was there prior, narrow resources, block or limit the number, etc. (2) open up, redirect, or painfully bring into view what is left, in its raw and pure form, heightening the need for creativity of a distinctly unique breed of living result. What do I mean? I’m squeezed by events, illness, wrong decisions, people and their decisions, money matters, or even jail. Why? Wrong question! If you can figure out “why,” you have rationally charted your future in the image of your carefully derived and wise findings. In other words you may have allowed the frustrating limits to also inhibit your ability in going forward. I would like to ask you a question: are you sure about “why”? Why do I ask? Because it is better, maybe, if we don’t know…
Lamentations 3:12-15 12 He hath bent his bow, and set me as a mark for the arrow.13 He hath caused the arrows of his quiver to enter into my reins. 14 I was a derision to all my people; and their song all the day.15 He hath filled me with bitterness, he hath made me drunken with wormwood. Ezekiel 24:16-18 16 Son of man, behold, I take away from thee the desire of thine eyes with a stroke: yet neither shalt thou mourn nor weep, neither shall thy tears run down. 17 Forbear to cry, make no mourning for the dead, bind the tire of thine head upon thee, and put on thy shoes upon thy feet, and cover not thy lips, and eat not the bread of men. 18 So I spake unto the people in the morning: and at even my wife died; and I did in the…
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho, and the walls came tumbling down. Walls build in a person’s soul and strong emotions make em stand. We have the wall of: self rejection, the wall of indifference, the wall of denial and the wall of emotional instability. the wall of social pressure, the wall of a poor self image the wall of self-pity and others etc. What do these walls do? Keep things in. Keep things out.. A human must realize that he or she is a god. No way! — O yes, small ‘g‘. And the Bible says so in Psalm 82:6 and John 10:34. A god creates his or her own world, and so do we. Walls establish the boundaries of the world they have created. Walls protect the self-designed value system, personal priorities and world-view etc. Foreign intrusions from within and without expand the system to include…