Tag: <span>healing</span>

Love is long spirited. “When tempering your anger, you do not immediately avenge the wrong, but you leave an opportunity for repenting to the one who has transgressed.” Origen Love pervades and penetrates the whole nature, it mellows anything harsh or austere.” Trench Love does not desire to make war upon the good it beholds in another — and to trouble that good and make it less. Shakespeare Love is not a braggart, does not sound it’s own praises or show off. Vincent Love does not self-display, employing rhetorical embellishments in extolling (glorifying), one’s self excessively. Thayer Love does not make sacred things “natural, “to cause a thing to pass into nature. ” Thayer Love does not run the risk of bringing the virgin daughter into shame, as in 1Corinthians 7:36.(a daughter who has passed the marriage age and father has not yet given her to marry.) He doesn’t shame…

“For we are human, weak and prone to wrong,And by Thy grace alone are we made strong.”Henry Coyle, Thankful Heart In the midst of our failed attempts at loving Jesus, His grace covers us. Francis Chan, Crazy Love Grace needs nothing added to it. It’s either you believe it’s all God’s grace or you believe you have to help God do his work. God saved the believer by his grace, and the believer cannot take any credit for it – none whatsoever. It is totally a gift from God, and you have to understand that you don’t pay for a gift nor do you work for a gift. Thomas Young, The Truth About God’s Grace “Grace is more than love; it is love set absolutely free and made to be a triumphant Victor over the righteous judgment of God over the sinner.” Chafer “Grace, the glorious theme.” “God answers the mess of…

Elijah ” came and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might die.” However, Job spoke, “Let the day perish wherein I was born, and the night in which it was said, There is a man child conceived.” And then “Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not. And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven. “ In summary, we see a fearful man seeking the relief of death, a shattered man seeking the relief of non-existence, and a man experiencing the rude awakening of being disconnected from God. We may add also these: Jesus faced an agony preceding His death, Paul and Silas sang songs in a prison, Jeremiah cried many tears for…

Are we having fun yet? In the generation in which we find ourselves living, wholesome fun seems to have been given a secondary role. Indeed, serious issues dominate our headlines — no one says that they are not. However, at what point is fun to be shelved and straight facedness to be donned permanently? If gone, will fun ever return or has it seen it’s final quash? Is fun done? These questions must find their answers in the nature of God Himself, His creation of Men in His likeness, and also in His redemption of our fallen human race. Websters on Fun  : 1 what provides amusement or enjoyment — specifically: playful often boisterous action or speech 2: a mood for finding or making amusement. 3a: AMUSEMENT, ENJOYMENT On “joy” “The validation of earthly joys and the grateful acceptance of them is grounded in the Biblical doctrine we affirm in the “Creed” when we…

“The unjust conceives iniquity in his heart, there is no fear of God before his eyes. He is unwilling to see his sins forgiven, or to hate them. The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit, he is unwilling to do good. He devises mischief upon his bed, he walks in a way that is not good, that he may do evil.” Psalm 36:1-4 Lamsa translation .  Have you met him? How did it happen to him?  Easy, he simply followed the way of a human being. I saw this expression on a person’s sweatshirt: “Be better Human Beings.” Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha… Forgive me for laughing.  This person has likely adjusted their soul to our Psalm 36 man: alarm free-living “Consciousness of sin” free-living. “Hatred for sin” free-living. God free-living. Mischief > evil. These do not understand the concept of “weight.” First,…

When I think of a person, fellow human sufferer; I well-up with love and compassion. So also did Jesus Matthew 9:36 tells us, “But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.” And again in Matthew 14:14  “And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick.” Also in Matthew 15:32  “Then Jesus called his disciples unto him, and said, I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat: and I will not send them away fasting, lest they faint in the way.” New testament “compassion” was taken from a Greek word relating to our English word “spleen.” Spleen works in a man as a blood filter and also regulates the immune system…

Do you have a friend? You can tell them things which you can’t tell others. Friends bear not only your failures, but also your humiliations. A Friend covers the multitude of your sins and tries to understand your rebellions, even. Friends want to know what we are feeling in our dejected state, they are not afraid of our adversity, our repeated errors, our besetting sins. They bear with our weakness. Our Pastor told a story: A child withdrew into their self and the family began noticing they were not emerging out. This continued for a long time and the family tried everything to get the child back. Professional help was sought and years went by. Nothing worked. One day the child’s puppy began to lick the child on the face and would not stop even as the child pushed the pet away. Something happened. The child came back. I have…

  God’s psychology equals a bloody cross. On that cross died the man, Sin — a brazen serpent, a sick head, faint heart, wounds, bruises and putrefying sores. On that cross died an old man, an old sin nature, a wounded Adamic life. On that cross died a fight to stay alive, a desperately wicked heart, a deceivable bent. On that cross died a self-witness of sinful identity, less than perfect psyche, unbalanced soul. Jeremiah_15:18 tells us, “… my wound is incurable, which refuses to be healed.” Psychology may tell us, “Time heals all wounds.”  Some psychologists don’t. Psychology may tell us, born innocent, you were wounded as a child. The devil may tell us, “Something has been taken from me that I cannot live without.” The devil may tell us, “There is no way out of my experience.” The Bible tells us our former existence is blotted from God’s memory.…

   Does time heal all wounds? Well, I tire easily reading psychology books that teach: “the interplay between suppressing and exposing a hurt will eventually bring healing.” “grieving losses will eventuate a return to “normalcy.” “re-integrate a victim into society, and again they will be adjusted. “ Sincere ideas which may contribute. Friends, my problem is this; “normal” for these guys, encompasses the old sin nature. They assume wrongly that a man is born free. They suppose that the whole head and the whole heart ain’t sick and faint. In stark contrast to their evaluation,  “normal”  equals  “wounds, bruises and putrefying sores.” “My wound is incurable,” said Jeremiah. Way before time’s wounding event, man exists a ball of woundedness. God plans to exterminate all of it — every speck. Only a bloody cross, only a dying Savior can fix a man. Because man miscalculates, God’s solutions seem radical. Paul admitted, however,  “in my…

Subjectivity is the lack of objectivity. Objectivity is the assertion that a thing IS that thing regardless of how it is perceived. Subjectivity is the assertion that what the thing IS is dependent on how it is perceived. The Objective view is that this is an elephant regardless how it is seen. The Subjective view is that each person is right. Melissa-Faith Webster, BA from CSUSB. Focused on Philosophy of Science and Epistemology. First the bad news: Subjectivity establishes: a mindset that is a direct result of Adam’s Fall. a preoccupation with self, evaluation of people, and situations evaluation of the Word of God according to relative righteousness  The Subjective are: arrogant, which masks a poor self-image, often suspicious of people’s motives and even paranoid. Subjective people: are occupied with themselves, hide themselves from church, often become sarcastic in relationships with others, eventually, they  want counseling, Subjective folks: are offended…