In thoughtful reflection, I set aside some time, and contemplated how a friend may have been feeling. I suddenly wondered, does God ever do what I am now doing? Do our thoughts and feelings matter to God? Growing up as a child and then a young man, I don’t remember many times anybody asking me, “Tom, what do you think about this?” “What are your feelings? I remember only a few occasions of someone sincerely saying to me, “how are you doing?” In the Bible, when Jesus met a rich young ruler, it says that He loved him. Yes, though the man did not grasp Jesus’ message, Jesus loved him. When Peter didn’t understand Jesus’ feet washing ministry, Jesus, nevertheless, took time to identify with Peter’s bafflement. Then The Lord explained things. Jesus took the side of and defended an adulterer one day, causing quite a stir. I mused about…
Category: <span>God’s Psychology</span>
Do we have to have rules? External government or self-discipline, is that the question? Throw off restraints, or buckle under, poses the paradox? Cannot I just trust my own conscience? If so, where do I get one that guides trust-worthily? Ah, guidance; how do I stay on the right road, how about my hunches, my intuition? What is true liberty? How do I discern the right way? In the last days we will have “lawlessness” and it will be sourced in a godless philosophy. The Bible calls the spirit of the age a “lukewarm” one, neither hot nor cold. Characteristic of this time will be moral decline but also an apostasy from true meaning and departure of generationally established values and traditions. Totalitarianism gains feet when folks leave “true upper guidance” and go with the flow of their intuitions, senses, emotions and pleasure seeking. This spiritual and cultural phenomena,…
Have you ever counseled the strong willed man? Not a chance of turning him. Bent, deeply bent, its like trying to lasso a rhino. Regardless, everything in a man’s heart will be on the table one day. For this cause man would be better off, by exposure to God’s Word, to keep a not so naive, but rather a “what’s in there” inventory. However, not on purpose he might have repressed the stuff right out of his “aware” ability. It might be a blind spot. No problem for God. Circumstances designed specifically for this cause will unearth it all, O unwelcome thought! To our advantage, when God performs this “suppressed frame uncovering” we can ascertain the force of the barbaric inner man; especially one lacking restraints —powerful. Like a dam let loose, it smashes walls and trees and banks. Raucously causing ruckus behind and before, no jars can contain it.…
A person can fear, but another kind of person fears fear. A person can be anxious, but another kind of person is anxious about being anxious. A third kind of person is compulsive, but you guessed it, they fear what they themselves may do in a compulsive moment. All of the above have a deeper issue than the mere fearful, anxious, even compulsive individual. They have a complex, and that complex sticks them in quicksand. No measure of therapy seems to bring any relief. The alcoholic complicates his or her situation with the fear of being caught, and then a phobia of never being able to stop. The religious person may disdain the repercussions of missing church service and adds guilt upon their guilt; the devoted employee sweats about his new duties, and fears to fail. Many steps are never taken, nor adventures embarked on because of complex fear…
Love – that capacity which enables him to grasp the other human being in his very uniqueness Conscience – that capacity which empowers him to grasp the meaning of a situation in its very uniqueness. Both are intuitive capacities. The uniqueness envisaged by love refers to the unique possibilities the loved person may have – – – the uniqueness envisaged by conscience refers to a unique necessity, to a unique need one may have to meet. Vicktor Frankl Frankl has discovered something very interesting about love. He calls it a capacity or an ability to absorb, finding its fulfillment by tenderly embracing another human being in their very one-of-a-kindness. Frankl goes on to say that this one-of-a-kindness, envisioned by love, refers to the special potentials the loved person may have. We could say then that love always “identifies” with another. Frankel also mentions the conscience. It, too, owns capacity…
He that dwells in the secret place of the most high God, shall abide, under the shadow of the Almighty. And I Will Say of the Lord, he is my refuge, my fortress, my God, in him will I trust. Surely he will deliver me from the snare of the Fowler…” “I will abide in his tabernacle forever.” “Abide in Me, and I in you, and you shall bring forth much fruit, for without Me ye can do nothing. If you abide in Me and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will and it will be done unto you. If you continue in My word, then you are a learner indeed, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” The above are verses from the Bible that we may know well, and maybe have memorized. But what makes up the thing…
The mind is the most active part of the soul. It used to be like a wild horse, but now it is being restrained by the will. And the will is in cooperation with the spirit. The way to a spirit controlled soul comes about as follows: At the moment when the mind begins to think of questionable things and to wander, the first step of control is to discern, that is, to see the condition of the mind in the light of God. The second step is to drive out or cast aside such unhealthy thoughts. And the third step is to return to quietness in God’s presence. Watchman Nee If any man think that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought. A teachable and quiet spirit is of much value in the sight of God. Indeed, the meek will he teach, the humble will hear…
“,,, one of the functions of oxytocin is to separate the experience and the excitement from the intensity of the shame.” According to neuropsychologist Dr. Jes Montgomery, “,,, the function of oxytocin is to tell the brain, ‘Wait a minute. You don’t want to remember that. You want to hold on to this excitement and this amazing magic that you just experienced.’” The Advancements in modern science related to the brain are remarkable, to say the least. Oxytocin is a substance released in women, which creates a bonding effect. Men have a similar release and both men and women gain this release during sexual intercourse. The chemical releases (including dopamine) enable the two to move beyond any pain, fear or guilt inhibiting, into ecstasy. Memories of the past and even negative experiences are all forgotten in the state of euphoria created. The whole experience is designed by God to…
…… external constraints may be used upon man’s freedom of choice, which makes impossible it’s being carried into effect outwardly; … only God could exercise an inward constraint which would compel man to do that which, in the moment of doing it, is not his own will; and God does not use this power: Delitzsch The Psalmist prayed: “out of the depths I cry unto thee O Lord”. To what refer these depths? The unconscious mind perhaps fits this? In the unconscious mind “Absolutes” die. Absolutes are certainties. So nothing certain and everything random jellifies in the unconscious, because the whole mess marinates in double-mindedness. O, there are still “absolutes” (small a). These are half-truths which deceive the mind into thinking all is well. These little unquestionable (life according to George) concepts, exalt some to the center of their universe in deception. Let’s consider this; a guy builds a real…
This next section describes ego UN-powering. First and obvious question relates to that old rat, the ego. We said it must die and die it has. The process of healing steamrolled the twirp as the scourge of God flattened pavement. Yes, a dirty old road is buried, dead indeed. It becomes a foundation for the brand new super-highway. The healed man, increasing influence ever more, fulfills and supplants this phony reality-builder. Ego worked frantically, but its operations only functioned in a sphere without scruples; a sphere where morals or restraints are dampened. Again, this type of independent-I, could only thrive in its self made sphere of false freedom. Exposed now, that world is gone. See, in the eternal scheme, the need for crafty manipulation of life events is an unnecessary operation. Pushing self ahead, creating life-solving identity and personality masking become outdated. Honestly, we have nothing left to cover up…