Tag: <span>Tree of Life</span>

In the ancient garden, God planted trees good for fruit. The tree of life was there, so also grew the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This second tree became a forbidden one, since God warned Adam to not eat of it. “…for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” Genesis 2:17b Then God formed Eve of Adam’s rib and the Hallmark Channel had it’s first story to tell. Problem came, as the ‘intuitive’ first lady ate some “knowledge tree” and so joined her Adam; death happened to both in the form of a brand new Consciousness. In one fatal swoop, a Serpent enabled an awareness of an evil kingdom — it’s evil side, but also it’s good side. On the evil side of darkness, our first parents opened a Pandora’s Box of things like hatred, killing, rape, theft and overall abuse of fellow…