Tag: <span>job blind man</span>

  The Book of Job teaches us some interesting phenomena about the ways of men. “The tendency to conflate, (blend),  poverty with other social issues such as unemployment, welfare receipt or substance abuse, or to uncritically cite these conditions as explanations of poverty, is tied up with the tendency to portray poverty as a problem created by those experiencing it. .” From  jrf.org.uk “… those who deviate are seen as the source of trouble. The obvious question observers ask is, why do these people deviate from norms? Because most people view themselves as law abiding, they feel those who deviate do so because of some kind of unusual circumstances: accidents, illness, personal defect, character flaw, or maladjustment… In other words, the deviant is the cause of his or her own problem.”  Borrowed from  “the sociological approach to social problems—Russ Long” I guess we must talk of this phenomena. If a person falls to chance or…