Tag: <span>grace plus nothing</span>

“The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned. ” “Nothing indicates a tongue befitting the disciples of God, so much as the gift of administering consolation; and such a gift is possessed by the speaker here. “To help with words him that is exhausted” (with suffering and self-torture).” K and D commenting on Isaiah 50:4 Exhausted? Self tortured? There is a word hastening, there is a word succoring. Yes, a word nourishes the soul, as in Proverbs 10:21. Those words from righteous lips know how to bring delight in 10:32. Pro 16:12 -13 teaches “It is an abomination (regarded with disgust or hatred), to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness. “Righteous lips…