Tag: <span>condescending God.</span>

The downhearted must find grace to help in time of need. — a lash or rope to frap a floating boat to a secure dock. Boats can be carried  by wind or current and so the soul of  man. Hebrews 4:16 speaks of a grace to help “let us retain our acknowledgement.” — of what? Of our permanent attachment to our High Priest and our God. Hebrews 4:14 teaches. How? By realizing the nature of our High Priest, and what He has done. He is of sympathy with our feebleness — He knows our form of conception, He remembers us as “dust.” He was pierced — thrust into our abject human sphere to taste all, including death; and so identifying in utter compassion, with our broken souls. Our time of need aligns itself not just with failures, lapses, or sin. No, it can mean for us a daily essential, a coming…