Tag: <span>Seeking God’s will</span>

  Today I need Him, again, I can’t do it myself. Some folks are intellectually brilliant, they depend on this. Some are physically endowed, this helps them. A third group have wealth, they turn to it. Others cope well. I have also had the traits of mental skill, some muscle, too — some savvy;  a good income. — great wife. Problem: The famous verse — “God helps those who help themselves,” Cannot be found in the Bible, even with a diligent search. The roots of such sayings can be strange. From “The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals” comes some thoughts by Donny Friederichsen.  About our above phrase, he says, “…the form in which it usually appears today most likely originated with the Reformed and Puritan Bible commentator, Matthew Henry–yep, that Matthew Henry.” Henry’s commentary on Joshua 5:13-15 reads, “God will help those who help themselves.” Duncan speculates that one reason people think this phrase is…