I spoke to young folks recently, high-schoolers. They cherish “friends,” popularity, and “feel good” relationships. In Prov 8:31 Wisdom’s “delight” centers on the sons of men. Logic concludes: “young people and wisdom connect.” Both want relationships. Youth need “cool” to hold friends. So, young vie for acceptance. Cool people have life by the tail, they build social skills. They can handle most any situation, but the problem nags; Where get we the love? Enter Wisdom’s plan: Tear down — Walls erected social-skill-wise, They are phony. Masks must melt off. Catchy phrases explode in face. All veneer goes ca-phooey. How done? God commences work, He specializes here. First, He teaches suffering’s true meanings. Christ became poor, that we, through His poverty might become rich. He became sin, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. He purchased salvation with His blood. Our suffering enables understanding of His suffering. Ours promotes meaningful relationships and identification…