Tag: <span>frustration</span>

“Frustration” defines a “deep chronic sense or state of insecurity and dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs.” Websters James A. Pike in his book “Beyond Anxiety” writes, “…it is wrong to assume, as we sometimes do, sympathetically, that cripples are persons of inspiring character. Some are and some aren’t; some are serene and towers of strength to others; some are crotchety, and a spiritual, no less than a material burden on others.” Thus we cannot make a direct correlation between limitation and frustration. Frustration does not come from having limitations, it comes from a wrong spiritual orientation to one’s limitations.” With our limitations, “some will piously say, it is the will of God and I must bear it.” But this resignation, “…cuts the nerve of thoughtful and strenuous action to change the situation insofar as is humanly possible.” Also, “…it is the expression of, or foundation of a…