Tag: <span>false ideologies</span>

    “The battle is the Lord’s.” It is alsoHis life, His righteousness, His joy which is our strength. We are kept by His power for it is His salvation. He neither slumbers nor sleeps. Heis our ever present help in times of trouble, born for adversity, He loves at all times. He ministers to us on our bed of languishing. By Himself He purged our sins and is wisdom, sanctification and redemption. There’s much more, but we get the point. Which is? We live in the sphere of God, period. Other spheres are false domains which are invented, yet remain reluctantly in the orb of Christ. Man can imagine another existence, concoct it in his mind’s eye, blueprint it’s issue, expand it’s characteristics. One such world-view goes this way: “I come to the aide of the defenseless, I cannot cold-bloodedly pass by all the horror…and not say a word.” “From…