The way of the saint: Forsakes the broad plain for the skinny path. Our way does not circumvent obstacles, but warps us to destinations. Philip was translated (beamed?), to Azotus, so Elijah upward, and so Enoch the same. — So we also, (snatched away) at that trumpet sound. Jesus walked to the dock and took a row boat to the disciples’ fishing craft. Not! He rather skipped on the waves! Joshua asked his priests to step in river Jordan; a whole nation followed step as the waters stood as “Jello.” — Dry ground paved the way. Case after case the magical passageways translate the saint. Through death we go — In fire not burnt, in waters not swallowed. Whether Red Sea or Lions den, the sting of death we scorn – then skate across. Our part and God’s part. Elijah begged for the storm, wind and earthquake to…
Category: <span>Liberty – Redemption</span>
“Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant? — to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.” Romans 14:4 A man stands or falls before God; with the risk of acceptance or rejection he stands in front of God, his Maker. What does God want from him? To be a winner of souls with wisdom required. To be a fisher of men. This is it? To have a secure philosophy? Not enough. To be a good looker? It can help, but falls short. No, to be a draw to others requires one thing — standing before God. Before God , a man is held up. He stands erect. This enables him to win other men. So, here he stands, and standing with God’s watchful eye he is guided. Guided where? — “Into all…
“When the Lord turned the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream,” is Psalm 126. Israel can return home after 70 years of living under another government, another culture; deprived of their own development as an indigenous nation. 70 years was enough to sever roots, to destroy customs, to eradicate tradition, to nullify old standards and norms, holidays and hopes. The homeland was now a story told, a remembrance, a dream. “Displaced” life was not first for Israel at Babylon; Egypt and the Wilderness were Promised Land exiles also. Later, the Absalom rebellion dislodged God’s people while still at home. Then there was the splitting of the national pie into two unequal servings — 10/2 tribes. In this time, many and varied philosophies forced their way down God’s people’s throats from Godless Judean and Samaritan kings. 70 A.D. till 1948 was last and longest for Israel. In reference…
“Silent night, holy night! Son of God loves pure light. Radiance beams from thy holy face, with the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus Lord at thy birth.” Sorry Aquarians, but it is the dawning of the age of redeeming grace, Christ has come. “Redeeming grace” means past dispensations are over. God is governing with grace, “the Law came by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” Merry Christmas!! Mercy and truth are met together! Righteousness and peace have kissed each other! It was never before known; “… The mystery of Christ, Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit” — “…which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God.” These thoughts are from Ephesians 3. Catch the freshness, the heart-thrilling glory of this event. “He will…
Our lives are made for balance Christian life must have balance. We are not hanging on a few verses or a pet doctrine or a one-dimensional approach. Our lives are made for balance and the other side is fanaticism. Friends, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Why the need for equilibrium? Why the necessity for a set of scales? Longevity, baby, longevity. We’re not in a sprint, folks, this is a marathon. Twenty six/odd mile runners gotta pace themselves, even the very well trained. Well, we think, “I’m going full steam ahead; I wanna burn out for Jesus.” You will. Impacting impingement happens to all“The race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.” Ecclesiastes 9:11. Time and chance? Yes…
“Superstition always breeds such sorrows, when men make themselves religious duties which God never made them, and then come short in the performance of them” Richard Baxter This excerpt from Baxter’s “The cure of Melancholy and Overmuch Sorrow, by Faith,” is based on 2 Corinthians 2:7. “…lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up by overmuch sorrow?” The author goes on to say, “Many souls are assaulted by the erroneous, and told they are in a wrong way; and they must take up some error as a necessary truth, and so are cast into perplexing difficulties, and perhaps repent of the truth which they before owned.” What’s the problem? Why do we backtrack so easily? — Deeper than we might think. It’s an over-safeguarded soul, a provision for the flesh; just in case God’s ways and means don’t come through in the pinch. It’s hanging on to the railings…
“And when this life is through; even then, your hand will lead me, your right hand will hold me.” “No more night, no more pain, no more tears, never crying again.” “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.” “Wonderful, merciful Savior; Precious Redeemer and Friend … you give the healing and grace, our hearts always hunger for. You rescue the souls of men.” We hunger for it. “Before the throne of God above, I have a strong and perfect plea, a great High Priest whose name is Love, who ever lives to plead for me. My name is graven on His hands, my name is written on His heart, I know that while in heaven He stands, no tongue can bid me thence depart.” “Mercy there was great and grace was free, pardon there was multiplied for me, there my burdened soul found liberty, at…
Confidence is a great thing. Don’t throw it away. Reliance, trust, belief in the powers of; these thoughts relate to confidence. “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’” Eleanor Roosevelt. “When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things.” Joe Namath. “To have faith doesn’t mean you get any less frustrated when you don’t do your best, but you know that it is not life or death.” “Take what you are given, and when you continue to work hard, you will see results. That will give you the confidence you need to keep going.” Tom Lehman “The moment you doubt whether you can fly,…
Cast not away your “confidence” — “freedom in speaking, unreservedness in speech, openly, frankly, without concealment, without ambiguity or circumlocution, without the use of figures and comparisons.” “… which hath great recompense of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.” Heb 10:35-36 Straight from the shoulder, without beating around the bush, with no holds barred, candidly, freely, cast not away your confidence, for it has great recompense of reward. Clarke writes “Having so great a fight of sufferings to pass through, and they of so long continuance, God furnishes the grace; you must exercise it.” What is the promise to be received? Elevation. Humility, of the sort which suffers above, receives elevation or honor; those clothed in humility get grace. Those who run the race with patience, have laid aside encumbrances and sins. The weights have…