Whom He loves, He chastens. What of it? Chasten is from the Latin “castus”, “pure,” “chaste ;” and to chasten is, properly, to purify. Originally meant “to bring up a child, Hence, to instruct; To discipline or correct.” The word is not synonymous with punish, since it always implies an infliction which contemplates the subject’s amendment” Vincent “For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.” Hebrews 12:3 He that endured is Christ. As we consider Christ in his dying, suffering on our behalf, suffering for us and as us: it is a picture of love. It is a picture of justice, but justice suffered by another on our behalf. Christ was our substitute, dying in our place. And taking us with Him not only in death but in burial, resurrection, ascension and session. Our consideration of Him is…
Category: <span>Walk, for Christians</span>
I do not set aside, disesteem, neutralize, violate, cast off, despise, disannul, frustrate, bring to nought, or reject the Grace of God. I do not, and I must not. ” frustration must be properly understood. A word from JA Pike helps us here. “What we do within the given limitations, brought about by our own fault, the fault of others, or otherwise, does have to do very definitely with the will of God. And the reason we have gotten the impression that God wills the evil is that the Saints have generally made such a good show of turning sow’s ears into silk purses, have produced such amazing goodness out of evil situations , that we have turned around and credited God with the evil that made possible so much good. But this is to bring God in at the wrong point. He is to be credited with the grace…
The bond of peace creates unity, which finds expression in the Holy Spirit. from Ephesians 4:1-3 But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: Ephesians 2:13-16 The blood of Christ makes us nigh — “squeezes together” those who were at a distance. The hedge, (middle wall) was the whole Mosaic economy which separated Jew from Gentile. Vincent. This was the enmity, now abolished, one new man results, and peace. The bond of…
“…according as He did choose us in Him before the foundation of the world, for our being holy and unblemished before Him, in love.” Ephesians 1:4 The First aorist middle indicative indicates that He chose us out for Himself — yes, the simple fact of it — before the foundation of the world. Not that we “should be” set apart, unblemished before him, in love, future tense. No, the assumption is that it is an actual fact already, accomplished in Him before the foundation of the World. “Blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who did bless us in every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” Ephesians 1:3 The aorist participle here indicates simply, prior action. Notice he did bless us ‘in’ every spiritual blessing “in” the heavenly places in Christ. The word “with — KJV”. is a wrong translation. Friends, let’s talk about…
Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. John 15:3 Water baptism is such a blessed celebration in our churches because it visibly demonstrates the great inner transformation that happens to us. When we understand that we have been buried with Christ in his baptism of death, and we go down in that water, we are, in effect, saying to the world, thanks be to Jesus Christ, that old nature, that old creation , that old life with all of its mistakes and failures, that old life with everything that went on, has been separated from me forever and ever and ever. It’s gone and I believe it, and I accept it. It is buried. It is buried forever. Then our coming out of the water depicts our exit from the old life and our entrance in the ever new, eternal life God has given. Dr.…
Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice. At a particularly rough stretch of road which bygone days had built, a friend gave some advice. Hearing my hopeless quibble, he asserted, “You must have a plan.” My reply was sharp, “O-K — but what is the plan?” His next words were near the most meaningful ever spoken to me. “Do you know any people who pray?” Yes, I quickly remembered some. “Well, make a list of those prayer warriors and call them up and get them praying. ” What? “You heard me, make the list and start calling them.” This brother and friend was a successful businessman. I obeyed the instructions. In a short amount of time things began to break, health was restored, and my finances had an answer with a new job. Since that battle I…
The Bible shies not away from graphic language when speaking of the devil’s work. Here are a few examples: Daniel 7:25 “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High …” Isaiah 59:19b ” …When the enemy shall come in like a flood …” Revelation 12:10b ” … for the accuser of our brethren … which accused them before our God day and night.” Like a flood with a torrent of words and accusations, our enemy rides the waves of high things directed at and purposed to make mincemeat of the believer’s mind. There is a lie in his right hand, a false scenario, a fabrication of truth. Very believable are the lies since the fallen nature of man has a capacity to worry, to be anxious, fearful. Sadness can overwhelm us, unforgiveness plagues us, doubt distracts us. Cares…
Once upon a time I scheduled a Heart Catherization. No heart problems had been found in the echo-cardiogram –EKG had also been fine. Cat-scan had revealed nothing heart wise and stress test was inconclusive. Concerned because of some chest pain when hiking, I persevered through these tests at the request of my appointed Cardiologist. I was sure nothing would become of the current exam. I awoke to the gentle doctor’s straight but assuring face. His message was simple, “there is nothing we can do for you here.” “Stints are not possible; you have two total blockages and one 90%” “What do you suggest?” was my astonished response. “You might consider by-pass surgery.” I hesitated, “how does that happen?” “Hang on for a minute.” The kind doctor left the room. He reappeared, “do you want to go tomorrow?” “yes.” So began my journey defining year in the month of March. Whisked…
They tell me of a peace that passes understanding –a certain discernment, a spiritual insight, an intuitive state. In it abides happiness, joy, love, and well being. Imagination births this blessed sphere, God lives in it, sorrow is dismissed, the two cannot co-exist. Christmas ignites itself abroad it and excites good emotions; purity and blessedness. We are closing in on home. Fantasy? Not if we have ever been touched by an angel, or even a fellow person. Perhaps we have encountered the Christ and been swept off our toes into an euphoric joy. Doesn’t this “condition of being” pass understanding? But how real are these states of soul? Are they not dangerous? Answer: not if they are founded in the objective truth. Can there be falsehood in them? Yes because ” the Christian admits the universe has many miscellaneous parts, just as the sane man knows he is complex.” G.K.…
Walking at my favorite hiking trail, I spied a large bird atop a great pine tree. Four times smaller in size was a pesky bluejay, which held its ground in the presence of the hawk. A pecking fight ensued regarding the jay’s nest of tiny eggs, and instinct dictated a need for mother to protect her helpless unborn. Without questioning or wavering, she attempted to irritate the red-tail into flying away. After some time the blue jay chased the hawk away. It dawned on me — that small creature never doubted her identity as a mom. Pastor Bob Brown wrote a booklet, “Don’t Forget Who you Are.” What a sobering possibility that men have — we can forget who we are. Are you kidding me? I can forget who I am? Yes, a bird never does, but I often do. In fact, I may have never ever realized who I…