‘It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter. ” Proverbs 25:2
Louis Sperry Chafer, founder of Dallas Theological Seminary defines for us a difficult but “searched out” matter: contrasting Law with Grace.
“When the human obligation is presented first, and the divine blessing is made to depend on the faithful discharge of that obligation, it is of and in conformity with pure law.”
“When the Divine blessing is presented first, and the human obligation follows, it is of and in conformity with pure grace.”
“The varying orders under law and grace may be stated in the words, ‘do and live,’ or ‘live and do.'”
“In the case of law, it is, ‘do something with a view to being something:’ In the case of grace it is ‘be made something with a view to doing something.'”
“The law said, ‘if you will do good, I will bless you; grace says, I have blessed you, now do good.'”
“Under the law, man lives well in order to be accepted by God; under grace man lives well since it becomes him or her to live well, who is already accepted.”
“The Law presents first a human work to be done, grace always presents a divine work to be believed.”
“Law begins with the question as to what men ought to do; grace begins with the question as to what God has already done.” all quotes from “Grace” by Louis Sperry Chafer.
The contrast between the two systems in which God governs men, law and grace, has great significance to the believer under grace. Luke 16:16a teaches, ” The law and the prophets were until John:” and “…Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.” Romans 10:4.

John 1:17 goes on, “For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. ” ” …ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ…
— that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God. Romans 7:4
Friends, married to Christ who was raised, unto ‘fruit bearing,’ speaks of our vital union with Him, which makes us dead to the old “law” performance model. 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 places us immersed into the body of Christ and His Spirit is in us.” The union consists of “the believer in Christ” and “Christ in the believer.”
From this passage, Chafer tells us “the believer is in Christ, as to
- positions,
- possessions,
- safe keeping,
- associations”
“Christ is in the believer
- giving life,
- giving character
- giving dynamic for conduct.”
Beloved, The Scriptures teach us that we have been elect and called, redeemed by God, reconciled to God, forgiven, sheltered eternally, condemned no more, justified, sanctified, perfected, made accepted, made righteous in Him, made nigh, made Sons, delivered from the power of darkness, complete, glorified, etc. etc. And this is only the beginning of the Biblical description.

New Possessions include: a new standing in Christ and a new life . A new presence and power of the Spirit. Also we receive a new inheritance, a new enemy, access to God, to grace, to fellowship, to prayer and the Word.
We are kept by the power of God, 1 Peter 1:5 Our new associations include ones with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We have a new relationship with Satan, his emissaries, the world, the world system, with angels. Our association with governments, with unsaved and with the body of Christ on earth has changed.
In closing, I have received a new divine life, and a new enabling power through Christ’ life in me.
He works in us both to will and do of His good pleasure. He will perform the thing concerning me. Yes, “Faithful is He who has called us, he will also do it.”
Finally, here’s the secret of our search: if we abide in Him and He in us, we will bring forth much fruit, for without Him we can do nothing.
Love ya

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