Tag: <span>fight the good fight</span>

Proverbs 20:8 teaches:  “A king that sits in the throne of judgment scatters away all evil with his eyes.” “We are made Kings to rule over our own lusts to some degree. We are not Kings to be freed altogether from them, but Kings to strive against them . It is a Liberty to fight and in fighting to overcome it last. The liberty of sanctification is not a liberty that ends combat with our corruptions, but a gracious Liberty to keep them under, till by subduing them little by little, we have a perfect victory.” “What greater encouragement can a man have to fight against his enemy, than when he is sure of final victory before he fights.” all quotes are from Richard Sibbes, “Glorious Freedom.” He adds these observations, “Grace does not take away liberty. No, it establishes liberty.” “…It is the manner of the reasonable creature to do…

Life is not without hindrance, nor our walk without encumbrance. Impediments characterize our earthly travelling, interruptions are familiar. We get holdups and stoppages, difficulties and deterrents; sometimes it seems that this is all. These interferers challenge us sometimes to the max. We are fed up or have had it up to here.  We moan, Why? — why is everything so hard? I want to give you some solace, but first let’s try to find some out-of-the-box answers. Out-of-the-box happens when no “normal” answers suffice, but also, we fear a total breakdown or quitting. Daydreaming, illicit fantasy, or nonchalance is not what we mean by out-of-the-box. We cannot discard our concern, be indifferent or take on a new level of “cool.” Instead, we mean that the restrictive parameters of in-the-box thinking must be willing to face their ultimate death. They are simply not cutting the mustard for success. First of these for consideration: quit…