Tag: <span>Come out</span>

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils…” “Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron, ” 1Timothy 4:1-2 Sometimes I am taken mentally with a bombardment of regret. It seems, in these times, that I could easily emote remorse for every conversation, every activity of yesterday, even the day before or many days before that. Soon I am reviewing my whole life with a hyper-critical evaluation. The “over-run”  results in one sad person. I slowly descended from carefree liberty in my thought life to an inward-turned mindset which reeks with inadequacy. I am being seduced. But, somehow the critical eval bears the flavor of truth; indeed some of it may actually measure up as accurate. O no! Friends, what has gone wrong? Perilous times, brothers and sisters, perilous…

Self-Esteem, a much overused designation, finds its roots in cultural thinking. Earnest Becker, in his book, “The Birth and Death of Meaning,” addresses the subject: He says, “…when people do not have self-esteem, they cannot act, they break down.” “When the inner-newsreel begins to run consistently negative images of one’s worth, the person gives up.” “When the child poses the question, ‘who am I,’ he is really asking…that he be recognized as an object of primary value in the universe. Or, “where do I rank as a hero?” Becker says that sibling rivalry is common and also ‘competitiveness’ due to the drive for self-esteem. But, here comes an exposing, glaring, fact based on all said so far, “Cultural-heros have to have available to them some kind of heroic action system in which to realize their ambitions, and this symbolic system is what we call ‘culture.’” “Culture is a structure of…