Tag: <span>Self-realization</span>

Whom He loves, He chastens. What of it? Chasten is from the Latin “castus”, “pure,” “chaste ;” and to chasten is, properly, to purify. Originally meant “to bring up a child, Hence, to instruct; To discipline or correct.” The word is not synonymous with punish, since it always implies an infliction which contemplates the subject’s amendment” Vincent “For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.”  Hebrews 12:3 He that endured is Christ. As we consider Christ in his dying, suffering on our behalf, suffering for us and as us: it is a picture of love. It is a picture of justice, but justice suffered by another on our behalf. Christ was our substitute, dying in our place. And taking us with Him not only in death but in burial, resurrection, ascension and session. Our consideration of Him is…