Because life is a narrow way, few find it. Mostly a broader way finds a person, and many are defiled thereby. It leads to destruction. Proverbs 22:5 teaches that thorns and thistles await such, and verse 8 tells us that abject nothingness rewards the sower of emotional rebellion. For wide is the gate โ easily entered, and broad is the way โ easily trodden. “Enter ye in at the strait gate โ as if hardly wide enough to admit one at all. This expresses the difficulty of the first right step …involving, as it does, a triumph over all our natural inclinations.” JFB on Matthew 7:13 The one road caters to ease and self-indulgence, the other bends to eternal safety. The narrow way involves an intense “keeping” of one’s soul — a hedging about with protection. Proverbs 22:5 In Luke 13:24 Jesus teaches, “Strive to enter in at the strait gate.”…