Tag: <span>blood</span>

Because life is a narrow way, few find it. Mostly a broader way finds a person, and many are defiled thereby. It leads to destruction. Proverbs 22:5 teaches that thorns and thistles await such, and verse 8 tells us that abject nothingness rewards the sower of emotional rebellion. For wide is the gate — easily entered, and broad is the way — easily trodden. “Enter ye in at the strait gate — as if hardly wide enough to admit one at all. This expresses the difficulty of the first right step …involving, as it does, a triumph over all our natural inclinations.” JFB on Matthew 7:13 The one road caters to ease and self-indulgence, the other bends to eternal safety. The narrow way involves an intense “keeping” of one’s soul — a hedging about with protection. Proverbs 22:5 In Luke 13:24 Jesus teaches, “Strive to enter in at the strait gate.”…

  When a loved one dies, immediately impressed upon the survivors are many things. awakened is the  sense that life can be interrupted abruptly . the awakening of a higher truth is divulged. awakened to resentment at the crassness of people’s handling of your loved one’s passing. More than just superficially acknowledged, these new awakenings are circulated in the collection of soul depth. In every man exists a repository for the efficient operation of simple believing. Impulse, impression, and projection are ideas associated with this place. Things are conceived here and thoughts take on form from what is in there. This area of the brain operates involuntarily and has no moral filters. It can be called “unconscious.” Notion, perception, conception, modeling and theory work here. They fight to exist as one hypothesis may contradict another. What dominates in this belief emporium are those concepts that combine to form a system, a harmony, a…