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Some guys on T.V. talk about what we have to do, and they use a lot of Bible verses. Most of the talking sets the record straight on our responsibilities, and how to go about accomplishing them. These guys teach us how to not lose God’s favor and maintain a good standing. They are good at this kind of instruction. They speak this way all the time.
I notice also how they appear so intelligent and have gained a lot of applause in other circles. Truly they are leaders and generally they know more than me so I must quietly learn from them. Boy, I wish I could learn all of their techniques and how-to-do-its. Some are Doctors and some Bishops or Elders even. When we hang out listening to these men and women, we sure feel good about finally knowing what some things mean.
I guess. Well, to be honest, gaining knowledge has a tendency to make me feel good about myself the same way it did before I even knew the Savior. A sense of accomplishment, of having some info to give to others, has a way of swelling my head just right. I mean, I outright have become a really cool guy and can talk knowledge with the worldly people. I can argue with the atheists and even scientists. I can rub shoulders and hold my own with almost anybody.
Unfortunately, I lose at this kind of Christianity. See, these T.V. folks are so learned and serious, you can never catch them. They want to instruct you, but how about getting down in the dirt with you?
What about the hopeless drug addict, or alcoholic —any help for them? “Well, we need people to instruct the people who will eventually do the hands on,” is argued. Can I make a statement here? I am not interested in building a resume about my Christian gifts, or demonstrating my great intelligence.
I want to use the gifts, not just gain em. The dirt, muck and challenge of loving people shoots me into another arena. Here, I come to the realization that my mere knowing of a thing ain’t helpin. I got the knowledge but I don’t know the “how.” Once I come to this realization, my theology must change or die.
See, verses in the book about what I gotta do abound. Ya, but what is God doing to help? All my study has brought me to a place where I frankly cannot bear it. I am overwhelmed by the challenge of, or fried by the onslaught of life itself.
Men of God, tell me about what God has done to make it work for me. Tell me about how He finished the work, and promises through grace to be my ultimate resource for all acts of life. Tell me how God works with a sinner to bring His love and life to others, a help in time of need.
God and men of God, give me the guts to know what to do at the bedside of a dying man, or to the young married wife whose husband has gone back to the world. Knowledge and instruction give no hope for the capacity-impaired, or the victim of rape or incest. Leaders, tell me how to love my wife, in a way that ministers to her delicate need. Teach me how to pray.
I must know that my Christian life is more than trying to live up to some moral or religious standard. Tell me about the Samson’s and the David’s; weak men who God used mightily, and also the other guys in the Bible who failed. Show me how God used impotent men and women in spite of their weaknesses, or lack of intelligence.
Teach me about God’s unconditional love and His mercy that renews every morning. Teach me that He will never leave me nor forsake me. Teach me that He will hold my hand as He did Jacob, and turn a curse into a blessing. Instruct me on the easy yoke and the heavenly call. Show me about the arms underneath when I fall.
In closing, “the first man Adam was a living soul, the second Adam a quickening Spirit, 1 Corinthians 15:45. I had a living soul all my life, but no life giving abilities. The quickening stuff is what I am talkin about. Modern day Pharisees lay heavy burdens on us but never lift a finger to pull any out of the mire.
Quicken me, O Pharisees; thrill my heart again with God’s love and mercy, if you can. Convince me of His grace and that I am forgiven and new. Build me up in my new nature that is mine by grace and grace alone. Love me with an everlasting love, and remind me again and again about God’s glorious plan for sinners like me. Give me the want-to’s, motivate me, give me hope, and use the foolish to confound the wise. Love ya
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