He rests in His love. Zephaniah 3:17
“The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people.” Deuteronomy 7:7
Have you ever wondered about the significance of God’s love? What is it? What does it do? Why? Corinthians teaches that it never fails, it believes all things, it hopes all things. God is said to love with an everlasting love , and draws men with his loving kindness. God’s supreme act of love was seen in his sending his only begotten Son to excruciating suffering and death for the sins of the world.
My personal dealings with God’s love have taught me that God’s love is an independent love, a free love, a sovereign love. In other words God is not just doing love, He exhales the very essence of love. And because God is also true, he cannot misrepresent himself. His love is to be believed. Any other action towards God’s love would be a divided response. In laymen’s terms, to fear or resist God’s love would result, or be a result of a divided heart — the complex nature of every man.
There is no soundness in it, the mind of man. It’s wounded, it’s bruised, it consists of putrefying sores , which cannot be treated with any ointment. Mankind reacts to God’s love with suspicion, but, that suspicion is inherent in man himself. John taught that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. In his light, we see light. So God is interested in bringing us into his light so that our double minded and divided Hearts would be unified in the sphere of his unconditional love.

I met an atheist one day, he told me to have a good day. For all practical purposes, he wished me well. What was it, what was his angle? Not sure, but the wisdom of divided hearts often is to play both sides of the table. Folks can pretend love. But in the case of this man, I think he was resisting God’s love by exerting his own “love,” though a completely inferior version. Because of his clever ability for self-prioritization, he created a filter for life. That filter begets everything in the light of his own essence — including “God,” including God’s love.
Oswald chambers quotes on love: “love for the Lord is not an ethereal, intellectual, dreamlike thing; it is the intensest, the most vital, the most passionate love of which the human heart is capable.”” the Saint has one striking characteristic, and that is in loving with a divine love. It’s thirst is not so much to be loved ,as to be lovable. Jesus knew God, and he makes him known.
” I do not think it would be difficult for us to love Jesus if he went in and out among us as in the days of his flesh, healing the sick and diseased, restoring the distracted, putting right those who were wrong, reclaiming backsliders.” (I agree) Chambers again
Dostoyevsky writes about an amazing manifestation of healing and raising of the dead in a more modern setting. The man in action was recognized as Christ himself, but quickly he was arrested. It seems that the intensity of God’s love must be suppressed. Otherwise, men just might believe it, they just might believe in him, they just might be saved.

Beloved, dare we not to think that men’s tiny imitation love is anywhere near the magnificent love of God. Often hard to communicate, nevertheless vital, no greater love exists then that a man lay down his life for others. Watch if you can — a garden at Gethsemane , a wrestling match of the will, a brutal beating, mockers, a barely-alive march. Torturous nailing, bloody hanging, affixation, spearing and sadly much more follow, clearly exemplifying the determined love of the Savior, obediently keeping the father’s heart of love.
In closing, nothing less then the love of God does the job. Perhaps in us men might see Christ. Perhaps in our works, maybe in our countenance, perhaps in our writing, or words expressed aloud. I haven’t worked any miracles, raised any dead people. Then what is it? However small, if His love, in me, motivates me; perhaps His love can be seen. Love ya

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