Category: <span>Liberty – Redemption</span>

  “In consequence of the first sin, the internal nature of man became possessed by death. How? …by the (decomposing) of the previous unity of the (many human) powers (complimenting one another) … in the life of the spirit and of the soul, and of the disappearance of the spiritual life in God’s image, and its reflection in the soul.” from Delitzsch and Wallis “A System of Biblical Psychology” paraphrase “…when Satanic thoughts of a loveless God found entrance into man’s mind, then entered enmity (an enemy) into the place of love … soul, at peace in God, fell into confusion, and kindled in passionate eagerness opposed to God.” Same source. “The tree of knowledge was to lead man to the knowledge of good and evil; and, according to the divine intention, this was to be attained through his not eating of its fruit. This end was to be accomplished… through obedience to the…

  “As your fathers did, so do ye. “ A shattered and battered friend builds a barricade — outside goes the streets, parties, men, women — no challenges, no frank conversations, no vulnerable places; nothing gets in! — nothing but a safe little bungalow with a few other cocoon-spinning associates; — they are veiling their secrets together. Left out are also secret memories of raped or violated. God also is forfeited. Some add a convenient god to their project, but the True God gets the stiff arm; He represents unconcealed truth is why, and truth stings. Can God ever get in? He can if these self-shelters can be penetrated. We got a problem. God wants to preserve rights; rights of free will, rights to want, rights to self-government, as far as it goes. God doesn’t overrule the one created in His image or He violates their being, by becoming an antagonist God. So, how can it…

  Then he sent her (Hagar) away with their son, and she wandered aimlessly in the wilderness of Beersheba. When the water was gone, she put the boy in the shade of a bush. Then she went and sat down by herself about a hundred yards away. “I don’t want to watch the boy die,” she said, as she burst into tears. But God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven, “Hagar, what’s wrong? Do not be afraid! God has heard the boy crying as he lies there…. Then God opened Hagar’s eyes, and she saw a well full of water. She quickly filled her water container and gave the boy a drink. And God was with the boy as he grew up in the wilderness. Whose concubine despairs? Whose woman of incidental association bursts into tears? Nobody knows her, but God knows…

G.E. Pember lists several trends of the end times seen in the days of Noah. Some are these: A tendency to worship God as Elohim, that is, merely as the Creator and the Benefactor, and not as Jehovah, the covenant God of mercy… …disregard for the primal law of marriage. …consequent invention of many devises whereby the hardships of the curse were mitigated… An alliance between the nominal church and the World.. The rejection of the preaching of Enoch and Noah. The appearance on the earth of beings from the principality of the air. Ahem! Has Jesus Christ subtly lost popularity today ? Have folks decided to rightly honor our Great God and Creator, but at the expense of Christ? Have we chosen a wide and safe approach rather than the offensive bloody cross of Christ? If so, we forfeit the heart of God, grieved and angered at sin, now demonstrating…

  “The truth, however, is that Job was suffering for others, that he was, by the grace of God, a martyr… ” “The righteous sufferers, the martyrs, what are they? Always the vanguard of humanity. Where they go and the prints of their bleeding feet are left, there is the way of improvement, of civilization, of religion. In contrast, the most successful man, preacher, journalist or statesman, is popularly supposed to be leading the world in the right path. Where the crowd goes shouting after them, is that not the way of advance? Do not believe it. Instead, look for a teacher, a journalist, a statesman who is not as successful as he might be; he will, at all hazards, stand for the true. The Christian world does not yet know the best in life, thought and morality. He who sacrifices position and esteem to God’s righteousness, he who will not bow down to the great idol at the sound of sack-but and psaltery, observe where that man is…

  “Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay.” “But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead.” 2 Corinthians 1:9 “When I therefore was thus minded, did I use lightness? or the things that I purpose, do I purpose according to the flesh, that with me there should be yea yea, and nay nay? 2 Corinthians 1:17 What is lightness? (Hebrews. to stagger.) Websters defines “fickle” with “Wavering; inconstant; unstable; of a changeable mind; irresolute; not firm in opinion or purpose; capricious.” “Not fixed or firm; liable to change …” Matthew 5:37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. Paul had conceded that he would die in verse 9 above. Indeed, there had been a self-verdict which conformed him to Christ’s death already.…

Subjectivity is the lack of objectivity. Objectivity is the assertion that a thing IS that thing regardless of how it is perceived. Subjectivity is the assertion that what the thing IS is dependent on how it is perceived. The Objective view is that this is an elephant regardless how it is seen. The Subjective view is that each person is right. Melissa-Faith Webster, BA from CSUSB. Focused on Philosophy of Science and Epistemology. First the bad news: Subjectivity establishes: a mindset that is a direct result of Adam’s Fall. a preoccupation with self, evaluation of people, and situations evaluation of the Word of God according to relative righteousness  The Subjective are: arrogant, which masks a poor self-image, often suspicious of people’s motives and even paranoid. Subjective people: are occupied with themselves, hide themselves from church, often become sarcastic in relationships with others, eventually, they  want counseling, Subjective folks: are offended…

“The Lord cannot fully bless a man until He has first conquered him.” —The call to nearness enables the resistance of worldly temptation.” A.W. Tozer  We surrender when conquered, we yield when broken, we capitulate when exhausted; we “cease from our own works.” Ironically, a faith begins here, and also a hope, and also love. As the project stalemates we find contentment with the Project Manager. His presence defines our new beginning; He-in-us becomes hope-of-glory. His nature in us describes love. Oddly enough,  finding Him and losing me arrive simultaneously. My dreams dash, my visions smash, my  passivity or enterprise collapses and burns. Will breaks now, resolve buries, conscience bears hampering, and  emotions buck comfort.  Rational explanations hide, we concede. As children we wrestled with my Dad for fun. He would pin us down and cry out, “give up?” We would  squirm only to be pinned again. “Give up?” Finally, we got tired, pinned the last time;…

Keep thyself pure, Exercise free volition, Keep thyself in the fear of the Lord all the day long. These are three, first being: “Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.” Titus 1:15 A Pure heart produces Charity, faith, and a good conscience, from 1 Timothy 1:5 — Purifies  from unlove, unfaith, bad conscience. The Pure in heart see God and think on pure things. Paul served with a pure conscience. Pure hearts hold righteousness, faith, charity and peace; find wisdom, purify themselves by obeying the truth through the Spirit. (All taken from Bible truths). There was a servant in Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar’s house who used to do all the household chores. Vidyasagar always showed him affection and treated him like his family members. One day, when Vidyasagar was descending the stairs of his house, he saw…

“Amor fati” fellow fanatics, “amor fati!” translated “The love of fate.” “It is foolishness to oppose a tendency which is obviously a law of history and to take countermeasures against a trend which is a natural law.” Nietzsche.   Really? Does history itself have a personality, does it have a mind? Is that raucous tide able to bend or yield? Where goes it? What are its ends? Can we change history? The fatalists emphatically say “no.” Apparently “history,” the person, is not like the redeemed saints who realize God’s image. The will of the lover of fate is already determined and cannot change. Therefore worshipers at this altar cannot stop the inevitable. They just “go with the flow.”– Whether death or life. What the historo-gods rule, they carry out through forced will.   The Christian perspective is in diametric opposition to these ideas. We say indeed, history, (His story), will take a certain…