Tag: <span>subjectivity</span>

Subjectivity is the lack of objectivity. Objectivity is the assertion that a thing IS that thing regardless of how it is perceived. Subjectivity is the assertion that what the thing IS is dependent on how it is perceived. The Objective view is that this is an elephant regardless how it is seen. The Subjective view is that each person is right. Melissa-Faith Webster, BA from CSUSB. Focused on Philosophy of Science and Epistemology. First the bad news: Subjectivity establishes: a mindset that is a direct result of Adam’s Fall. a preoccupation with self, evaluation of people, and situations evaluation of the Word of God according to relative righteousness  The Subjective are: arrogant, which masks a poor self-image, often suspicious of people’s motives and even paranoid. Subjective people: are occupied with themselves, hide themselves from church, often become sarcastic in relationships with others, eventually, they  want counseling, Subjective folks: are offended…