Tag: <span>loneliness</span>

  Isolated? yes, so are many, but loneliness hurts people at holiday times. Is there help? Let’s look at some clinical observations first. “At the root, isolation compromises immunity, increases the production of stress hormones, and is harmful to sleep. All of this feeds chronic inflammation, which lowers immunity to the degree that lonely people even suffer more from the common cold.” “If we cling to the belief that we should be perfect, we may not risk doing things that might expose our imperfections.  …we don’t want the risk of being disappointed. Our fear of failing keeps us isolated.” “…fear of facing shame or embarrassment. We don’t want to be seen as defective—or see ourselves as flawed.” psychologytoday    John Amodeo Ph.D., MFT A solution is offered: “The curious paradox is that when I can accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” Carl Rogers “…This takes a courageous willingness to feel sad or disappointed sometimes, or even a mild sense of shame, which…