Tag: <span>faith</span>

South Africa has the deepest hard rock gold mine up to 12800 feet underground. At such depths the heat is unbearable for humans, and air conditioning is required for the safety of the workers. Wikipedia On average it takes 10-20 years before a gold mine is even ready to produce material that can be refined. Long before any gold can be extracted, significant exploration and development needs to take place, both to determine as accurately as possible, the size of the deposit as well as how to extract and process the ore efficiently, safely and responsibly.  www.gold.org.n.d. What can we learn? “It may be hard, dark or hot, but we clever humans have ciphered grabbing and stacking gold and gems. Grabbing wisdom tells a different story and we faint while getting it, because wisdom shows itself a “different animal.” We fail wisdom mining even though time money and great sacrifice…

Bells toll, signalling for us to rise up, look up first, lift our heads before that, awake from shame into approval, honor, and esteem. Singing flows from us, “glory, glory, glory to the Lamb that was slain.” “All praises and honor to our God, forever and ever, amen.” Daily our souls must hear the bells ringing as Martin Luther did: “The just shall live by faith.” “It was a creative sentence for the reformer and the Reformation. It was in these words that God then said, ‘let there be light! and there was light.” “It was the unveiling of the face of God.” “All through his convent days he proceeds upon the assumption that God gloats over his misery. His life is a long drawn out agony. He creeps like a shadow along the galleries of the cloister, the walls echoing with his dismal mornings. His body wastes to a…

  2 Thessalonians 2:3 teaches:  “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first…” “On May 17, 1863, Paris saw the opening of the Salon des Refusés, an exhibition of artworks that were rejected by the jury of the prestigious Paris Salon. It was the very first time the term avant garde, or avant-garde, was used in relations to the arts, and it marked the beginning of a cultural revolution. Renowned painters like Gustave Courbet, Édouard Manet and Camille Pissaro, cast aside by the critics and the public for not being conservative to their taste, organized their own shows throughout the French capital, featuring now legendary paintings. Attracting thousands of visitors, these artists announced a certain kind of rebellion that would come to influence an entire century and a half of art movements and like-minded artists, despite the ongoing ridicule they received from…

  Jesus met some fishermen one day and said to them “I will make you Fishers of men.” Over time, these men became Great evangelists and fishers of men. The only thing required was the Holy Spirit. Prior to the Holy Spirit being added to them, they could not be fishers of men. Why? Let’s examine what the Holy Spirit brought, and some aspects missing without Him . Taken from Doctor Carl H Stevens. ” Without the Spirit, a man is left to his “Old Sin Nature.”  ( OSN.) The OSN is insecure-not well adjusted-lacks confidence in God’s plan and details of providence. The OSN Is overly sensitive. Does not trust in the purpose of the steps that God leads us. The OSN is paranoid: Suspicious and easily irritated. The OSN produces a negative attitude which produces negative reactions. The OSN interferes with the digestion of categories (of The Scriptures), and…

So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty. James 2:12 What is this perfect Law of Liberty?”…the genuine ability of a living creature to manifest its whole nature, to do and be itself — most unrestrainedly.” Where resides this Perfect Law of Liberty? “…the law of liberty is that which issues from the tendencies of a man’s own nature inwardly filled with God.” “Look at Christ, and see it in perfection. His was the freest life man that ever lived. Nothing could ever bind Him. He walked across old Jewish traditions, and they snapped like cobwebs.” Phillips Brooks, The Candle of the Lord. Likewise, the Spirit-filled believer looks into “the perfect law of liberty, and continues therein — ” (James 1:25). He keeps the free posture, he operates freely. “He has a little mirror in his soul that keeps reflecting the nature of…

    “The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. Timothy 1:5 “Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.” 1 Timothy 3:9 “Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck.” 1 Timothy 1:19 Faith seems to depend on conscience, but what about these; purity, love? Faith grasps a mystery, a secret. Faith holds function in a (katheros) conscience. our English derivative is katharsis which is a cleansing. The blood of Christ, applied by the Spirit,  cleanses our conscience from dead works, to serve the living God, simply put. Conscience accuses or excuses the owner.  A good conscience has good constitution or nature, is useful, good, pleasant, agreeable, and joyful..” A good conscience functions right. What else does it do?  It bears witness, producing a “knowledge by the side of the original consciousness…

A football player rode the bench. He never played, never planned to play, he was third string. In this game the first stringer went down, broken leg. Bad for the team but no worries for our guy, second string went in. Before long this halfback twisted something.  Oh no, the bench rider was up. “George, put on a helmet,” the coach shouted. “But coach, I can’t do it, I have never played.” “Just get in there, you’ll be fine.” “Can’t, sorry coach, I’m afraid.” Coach had to call for a time out, and then he spoke these words: “George, relax, you’re gonna be my secret weapon.” “Whatta ya mean coach?” “I’m gonna put the spirit of a great running back in you.” “How?” “Trust me.” “Who?” “Franco Harris” “Now get in the game.” The story makes us laugh. It’s a fairy story to a lot of us. Some vital points…

500 ft.- Noah’s Ark replica-Ky. “The meek will He guide in judgment; the humble will hear and be glad. The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the Lord that seek him: your heart shall live forever.” 22:26 Psalms. “But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” Psalm 37:11. We as mere men wish to change the things, events, or circumstances having be-chanced our life journey. We want to scramble them, soften the blow. We cannot. We cannot candy-coat, muddle, spin or water-down. These things have befallen us, period. Their collateral damage will not suddenly un-frag, huddle, or conglomerate, nor will its wound close up right now. Perhaps a miracle of heaven awaits, but not yet. Instead of gall, jealousy, or spite, the meek lights upon something other; acceptance. Acquiescence, reception, acknowledgment, agreement, belief; do you see where this is taking us? Yes, to…

Did you ever lose the want-to’s? Ever feel powerless? Are you focused on a long range eternal future to the detriment of an eternal now? Is eternal life a time related concept or a present moment reality for you? Lastly, what does a present day eternal life look like? The answer to these questions is a revelation of interest to every Christian life. See, if eternal life is yet future and related to in only that future way, we are subject to ambivalence. Yes, we could be stuck with two inner driving forces which war against each other and stifle our resolve. One constraint is “I clearly must,” and the other is “I am clearly afraid to.” A neighbor’s words illustrate, “I am so excited about that prospective house purchase; but on second thought, I fear it will bring a headache and so I’ll wait.” In contrast, a person living…

The old story factored relevant, as pig pens are pig pens no matter how a person gets there. I certainly found myself in the same disgusting state as the wayward son, barely surviving with only scraps of nourishment fit for swine. The thing that I and the prodigal shared was the ineptness that took us into our groveling conditions but also the ham-fisted incompetence toward getting out. For the out of control youth, the face in slop was preceded by the low-paying hog-feeding job, and prior to that was a kind of hysteria. Yes, the Bible teaches that the boy’s waste of substance with riotous living caused an emotional trauma for him. His unfortified ability to control things was lost and the bottom was dropping out of his big strategy. In his soul’s lowest of the low, nothing of his self-made mess was faceable for him now. For me, the…