Tag: <span>battle</span>

Life is not without hindrance, nor our walk without encumbrance. Impediments characterize our earthly travelling, interruptions are familiar. We get holdups and stoppages, difficulties and deterrents; sometimes it seems that this is all. These interferers challenge us sometimes to the max. We are fed up or have had it up to here.  We moan, Why? — why is everything so hard? I want to give you some solace, but first let’s try to find some out-of-the-box answers. Out-of-the-box happens when no “normal” answers suffice, but also, we fear a total breakdown or quitting. Daydreaming, illicit fantasy, or nonchalance is not what we mean by out-of-the-box. We cannot discard our concern, be indifferent or take on a new level of “cool.” Instead, we mean that the restrictive parameters of in-the-box thinking must be willing to face their ultimate death. They are simply not cutting the mustard for success. First of these for consideration: quit…

Psalm 34:2 teaches that the humble shall hear thereof and be glad. Hear what? Hear the Word and keep it. “The meek will He teach.” “The meek will He guide in judgment,” Psalm 25:9. Sounds like humility and meekness open some doors to a real God and His living Word?  Yes. Humility comes from living in the effects of a crucified self life with its’ old consciousness removed, while meekness is a devotion to the newly opened God-consciousness in resurrection. These are two functions experienced in soul and spirit. They alter the mind, breaking will, emotions and conscience. In essence, humility relates to the process of death; meekness with the life following. So, as we take baby steps with our God in Micah 6:8, our steps are firmed up in faith-meekness in which we condition ourselves to “see as good” the perfect plan of God and receive and apply the…