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Step into Eternal Life

Did you ever lose the want-to’s? Ever feel powerless? Are you focused on a long range eternal future to the detriment of an eternal now? Is eternal life a time related concept or a present moment reality for you? Lastly, what does a present day eternal life look like?

The answer to these questions is a revelation of interest to every Christian life. See, if eternal life is yet future and related to in only that future way, we are subject to ambivalence. Yes, we could be stuck with two inner driving forces which war against each other and stifle our resolve. One constraint is “I clearly must,” and the other is “I am clearly afraid to.” A neighbor’s words illustrate, “I am so excited about that prospective house purchase; but on second thought, I fear it will bring a headache and so I’ll wait.”

In contrast, a person living in a present day eternal life reality thinks this way: I am not obligated to act, but I am not afraid either. A pre-salvation evil conscience cannot drive this eternal-man who has passed from death unto life, today. The crucified conscience’s leverage and attachment to his new nature, is lost. It’s accusing or excusing finger finds but one answer upon searching: “it is finished.”

Eternal life is a different kind of world with a new name. Our will is required to simply work-out this life which God works in. It’s like breathing. God’s will is His good pleasure and becomes ours. He does it, we simply work it out. Love is the intention and faith the mode of operation. Hope is not quenched in our ambivalent-born powerlessness, stemming from responses to emotions, rules, conscience or threats. Love motivates a hope which enables purification from this war of values.

Present day expectation grows as we eat honey and the honeycomb of His abundance. It remains hope as we keep ourselves in the reverential awe of the Lord all day. 

How do we keep our self there experientially? Since faith operates as a substance for upholding eternal-life realization, I continue in an open-ear to God, at whatever cost or prayer. Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God; Romans 10:17. The Word of grace builds men up in faith; Acts 20:32. Faith accesses this grace wherein we stand; Romans 5:2. Our grace exists as the measure of a gift, Christ; so faith keys it. Ephesians 4:7 Grace and life go together.

The world, the flesh and the devil live to batter us into helplessness. The curse of life from the fall of Adam and Eve, makes life a struggle. Healing our wounded leg may take months, buying a house, years. A field planter will wrestle with soil conditions, weeds, weather, pests and varments. A man may pray 15 years for a wife and when married discover an impossible personality conflict has soured it. We may pine away for lost loved ones for decades.

The devil mischievously lies to a person about their acceptance or potential in the culture. It promotes their hopelessness. Indeed, employers stereotype, even profile certain folks, Discrimination can be real, so can prejudice. Dr. Dan Allender outlines 3 defense mechanisms folks take on to handle their helplessness which they sense.

Some assume a persecution complex, wear it on their face and sleeve and live in the personality of it. Others take on a belligerent attitude, lashing out at society as a whole. The third example is of those who detach themselves from their powerless life by pretending to be “just fine.” The defenses are all a “flight from hope” and push to the limits any chance for regaining a life of godly expectations. It’s over for these; but not yet.

Friends, please take heart. Our eternal life opportunity is a today deal, all the way. “Its not of him that willeth, nor of Him that runneth, but of God that giveth mercy.” “I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill.” Ecclesiastes 9:11. Then what?

Mercy is the usher-in of this precious today life eternal, the upholder of it’s authority, in Proverbs 20. Through mercy and truth, the devils projections, lies, innuendos, and accusations are purged. We are alive unto God! We are vessels of mercy, prepared for glory, today, Rom 9:23.

Dead indeed unto sin, we live unto God. Whatever the obstacles of life, flesh and devil, they have no relevance to the present day man who has discovered that eternal life is today, tomorrow and every day on into forever. We are the apple of God’s eternal eye, and He guides us with that same eye in Psalm 32:8.

Lastly, He has loved us with an everlasting love, and His thoughts are toward us. He waits to be gracious to us, to effect the life in us. Step off life’s treadmill right now and begin to live eternally. Friends, “whosoever liveth and believeth in Him, will never die.”John 11:26.  That’s a promise. love ya

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