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Running Through the Raindrops

If a shower of drops on our yard can represent an infiltration of falsehood into our sphere of God’s Reality, we have a picture. The sometimes flood can be overwhelming, and feelings of compromise project their self. They threaten to do a decisive final slaying of that reality. The thought of evil then seems to outweigh the good, pressing us towards its identity. Eventually, assuage and pressure-release pose themselves in the most attractive way; toward giving in.

Well, we have weapons, extra- fleshy, spiritual, and powerful. One of these is the strengthening unto patience and long suffering with joy, in Colossians 1:11. The God-endowed ability to stand still, wait, and delay our impulsing emotions, looms mighty. Moses did it at the Red Sea, Nehemiah on the wall; both saw “joy” as a critical war devise, and too, the authority that comes from meekness; two supernaturals.

How do we get these endowments? Well, having done all, we stand, Ephesians 6:13. What is “all?” All is “All spiritual blessings poured out, adoption into the family, graced into perfect acceptance, forgiven, eyes of our understanding opened, gaining of the hope of our calling and the riches of our inheritance, and the exceeding greatness of His power toward us,” etc.  The spirit of wisdom and revelation opens the eyes to our weaponry.

Lets apply what we said to the rain-storm, better to the movie theater. Old time movies were done with a projector and screen. Alive and so real, the movies captured our imagination ––till some unknowing person walked in front of the projector. Then we saw two realities and easily knew which was the true one. (What a relief to know that Godzilla was only a product of projected light).

A counterfeit 50 dollar bill is detected as we are schooled in what the true one looks like. We also know that a horse is not a fish. 
There’s much more. We are quickened together with Christ, seated in heavenly places, and having been saved through grace, we are made His workmanship, founded on the apostles and Prophets.” Are we getting the idea? 

We do “all” by exercising our mind in our Finished Work sphere, using Ephesians 1-6:13, and other portions of the Bible. These become heart-ready for Spirit recall, and edifying of the soul. Anything that reflects not the knowledge and obedience of Christ, discard. All in Him, keep. It is written, it is written, it is written!

To close, do we have a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when our obedience is full? What it is? It is Paul’s apostolic prerogative to “bring to justice” all offenders of dis-obedience. However, in His Shepherds’ heart he will wait for obedience to become mature in the Corinthian church.

In application to this, after we are filled to the brim with His obedience we enter a ready mental and spiritual state. Our enemy is not people, but thoughts, words, imaginations, fantasy and concepts etc. Empirical (sight) observation within and without; fables, traditions, and the like, oppose The work of Christ that has already shocked that “unfinished” sphere, bringing peace. The poise that comes with being filled-up creates sharpness of mind in cheerful readiness. We are on top of our game, and Paul wants us to stay there;  revenge, punish, bring to the rule of right, all that opposes. 

Finally, “the king that sits on the throne of judgement scatters away all evil with his eyes.” Prov 20:8 Ever play “king of the mountain”? The child’s idea is to get on the hill by fighting off others to the top, but once up there, a great advantage has been gained. Ever thought about it? John wrote to the young men, commending them for having overcome the wicked one. 
Fellows, we are not fighting a battle. We have already won our place on the hill. Now, we stand on top and protect the fortress built of Finished Work Substance from God’s Word,(all), and never let anything batter, penetrate, set on fire, bomb, or artillarize our position in Christ. In the acuteness of a mind filled with The Spirit and Truth, we, in sobriety and vigilance, are easily made aware of the devices of our adversary.
Friends, lets not get caught up with a war already won. Lets defend our right to not fight, but stand. Rain soaks the ground, but is channeled to run off. Yes the floods may come but the Spirit’s standard illuminates the motion picture; we simply walk through the phony light to truth. We can revenge by ignoring, discarding, neglecting, and avoiding. Amen  
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