We can know that God loves us. How? The Bible tells us so.

“Knowing” proceeds on several levels, so “knowing God loves us” is perceived in several abilities.
First the mind can grasp a truth from the Bible translated into our language.
Our language learning has given us an ability to take hold of meanings.
If the Bible has meaning to me, it happens because something in me can relate to something outside of me. The relating brings the Word in.
In me are the tools of creation, the faculties of humankind, created in His image and likeness. Outside of me, the Word initiates a friendship.
This friendship occurs as we give authority to this Word by lending a worshiping ear to it; this implies that we comprehend it, believe it, reckon on it, position our focus on it, become a willful servant to it. (see Roman’s 6)
God Himself enables all of the above as we set Him before our face, in Psalm 16:8 To “set” means to “compose” which implies imagination gets involved. We become: (as we behold as in a glass the glory of the Lord, we are changed into that selfsame image.)
So God is love 1 John 4:8.
In His likeness, we become that same Love in our own version.
God commended that love to us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly. (us). Romans 5:8
The character of God’s love on display reveals His self-sacrificing nature — it overwhelms us, the utter degree of this love toward undeserving sinners.
What hinders this love?
Friends we must realize that right here, centered in God’s love display, lies the pivotal juncture between soundness and insanity.
Yes, the God-man interjects His intercession into our mind and heart, dies in our place; crying out forgiveness, removing the penalty for our sins, releasing us as a bird set to flight, He becomes the rare and essential secret to our peace, joy, sanity, love, patience, gentleness, goodness, etc.
Nothing else can do this.
Yet it flees our consciousness.
Our Christ, by Harry Webb Farrington, helps us here:
- I know not how the Bethlehem’s Babe
- Could in the godhead be;
- I only know the Manger child
- Has brought God’s life to me.
- I know not how that Calvary’s cross
- A world from sin could free;
- I only know it’s matchless love
- Has brought God’s love to me.
- I know not how that Joseph’s tomb
- Could solve death’s mystery;
- I only know the living Christ,
- Our Immortality.
Love’s mystery, is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
When love Comes Home. Song by Matthew West
Too many moonlights have danced across your face
Without me holding you, oh how i wish i could
But when love comes it will be for good
Pictures of you remind me what i’m fighting for
For our freedom i must see this through
But when love comes home
It will be to you
I’m coming home
Coming home
So let the light inside you burn
With the hope of love’s return
I’m coming homeFor tear stained letters and the hard goodbyes
For every christmas that i wasn’t by your side
For all the lost time along the way (hear me say)
(That) when love comes home it will be to stay
And so this void inside my heart
Will not be filled until i’m standing where you are
And in that moment i walk through the door
When you’re in my arms
It will hurt no more
Love is strong
Love is the legacy we leave when we are gone
And when it’s over ours will say
When love came home
It was worth the wait