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I’m Very Sad

I’m sad, let me count the ways;:

Lets forget that I’m a Christian man and let’s talk about the fellowship of mankind. A human being from birth, ha ha, I knew nothing of anything but the fellowship of mankind for 25 years (pre-Christian). I learned people youngly, from my own observations. Gaining a relationship with a person depended totally on the other person; I was not a “people” person. I had no self-image.

What did I learn? — Superficial, superficial, superficial stuff.  Hopeless,  I became one drunk drugger. So what? — Self destructive.

Conditions seem worse than ever today.

Seems, folks think defaming a person’s character wins friends. Slander has become “in vogue” per today’s world. Newscasters do it all the time, news media has developed a clever deceit. Lack of people-skills abounds on social media, Twitter, and high-powered bitter anger fuels the charge. It seems that this mojo flies without check or rebuke. It saddens me.

Does anybody care that the hate filled chatter contributes wholesale to others depression ?

Are we saddened enough yet to consider fear filled faces and down trodden countenance? Are we done letting fallen angelic God-enemies run roughshod over our hearts and minds? Do we even care a snap for our children, who must reap our degenerate fruit?

No, no, no comes the response. Why? Deception, deception, deception!

Some fellow men actually believe their hate will better mankind.

What do we do?

Were quoting Rollo May:  “When one has always been powerless, the heady feeling one gets when he first realizes he does have power seems to be intoxicating. It is as though he had to summon up adrenaline in order to experience the fact that he has “power to be”, and once the adrenaline is present, he moves on the strength of it into aggressive behavior.” Ever happen to you?

“…something of great value is lost: It is the self-affirmation that gives the

“Love your neighbor, not as you hate yourself but, as you love yourself.” Rollo quotes the Bible.

What’s it all mean? “The fact that a human being can be self-conscious, (knowing that it knows), vastly increases his need for self-affirmation (self love).”  “The self never develops automatically, man becomes a self only to the extent that “…he can know it, affirm it and assert it.”

What is self affirmation? “The self-affirmation theory posits that people have a fundamental motivation to maintain self-integrity, a perception of themselves as good, virtuous, and able to predict and control important outcomes.” people.psych

“…psychological theory that focuses on how individuals adapt to information or experiences that are threatening to their self-concept.” wikipedia    Self affirmers love themselves and defend their selves.

What does the Bible say?

“…that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity (walking in circles), of their mind,
Having the understanding (thinking things through to their end), darkened, being alienated ( estranged), from the life of God through the ignorance (agnosticism), that is in them, because of the blindness (callousness), of their heart:  Who being past feeling (apathetic),  have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, (licentiousness), to work all uncleanness with greediness (eager for gain).” Ephesians 4:17-19

In closing my fellow humans, self affirmation without Christ can produce only soul power. As May says, it carries adrenaline-energy. Nevertheless, it walks in circles and has no full thought on any subject.  It is callous and apathetic and driven of impure motives for gain.

But ye have not so learned Christ;

“If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;   And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man…”  Ephesians 4:20-24

In Christ alone, In Christ alone, In Christ alone, we place our trust. Self love must be replaced by God’s love. Only then can I know it, affirm it, and assert it. Now we can have purpose, know what we do, have true faith, step out of callousness and apathy, and forsake all self gaining operations.

Friends, don’t be sad; we are loved and we can love.  love ya

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