And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. John 1:16
“Grace is more than love, it is love set absolutely free and made to be a triumphant victor over the righteous judgment of God against the sinner.”
“The grace of God belongs to the realm of the infinite. His measureless love and goodness are released from every restraint. They are unshackled and free.”
“The supreme divine objective is then, that infinite love may manifest itself in superabounding grace.” Chafer –Grace The Glorious Theme
“Grace is God acting freely, according to; His own nature as Love; with no promises or obligations to fulfill…” William Newell
“Grace means the overflowing nature of God…we have no words to describe the lavishness of God.” Oswald Chambers
” The religion of legality is as though a man should decide to have an apple orchard and should try to make one by first getting some apples of the kind desired, and then getting a tree and fastening the apples on to it’s branches and then getting roots to fasten to the trunk, and finally purchasing a field…”
“…the religion of grace…begins at the root and grows up and blossoms out into flowers and fruit.” Hannah Smith, The Christians Secret to a happy life.
“Grace is but Glory begun, and Glory is but Grace perfected.”- Jonathan Edwards: www.christianquote
“Grace, like water, flows to the lowest part.”- Philip Yancey www.christianquote
“If you are ready to partake of grace you have not to atone for your sins–you have merely to accept of the atonement. All that you want to do is to cry, “God have mercy upon me,” and you will receive the blessing.”- Dwight L. Moody www.christianquote
- “Grace is totally detached from any human merit.
- The gift of grace depends upon the character of God and not the character of man.
- Grace is freely given as a gift to those who will receive it and believe on Christ.
- For this reason, the Lord Jesus does not and will not work with any single person out-side of His provision, which is grace.” Dr. Carl H. Stevens
So, can we put our arms around grace? It is the unfathomable means to heaven after death, to start, and depicts a narrow way. “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saves us, through the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit.” Titus 3:5
Freddy Mercury, the lead singer of the rock group Queen, who died at the end of 1991, wrote in one of his last songs on the Miracle Album, “Does anybody know what we are living for?” “… before his death he was desperately lonely.” “You can have everything in the world and still be the loneliest man, and that is the most bitter type of loneliness.” from Nicky Gumbel “Is there More to Life than This?”
- Of course, lonely, because every man stands alone.
- Every man stands alone before God. Right there!
- If God speaks, I am not alone.
- If I resist; and if I discern the fraud of friendly man,
- my alone, steps below alone. I am alone for alone.
- The dreads of it I gain even more; deeper, deeper.
- Within life are paths many, all lead to there?
- At the helm, my decision, a free one or other,
- A path wins the path, your will makes sure,
- but is it a free will, or one pushed ajar?
- Feelings, I need you, then feelings you are,
- deep ones, I demand you, please lower the bar.
- Sadly, my precious one, your path was all vain,
- There is no such wonderland, not such, only pain.
- God still awaits, to speak He awaits,
- Has all been saddened enough, had enough insane?
- Hope again, O hope, but hope ran away.
- Jesus waits patiently, door’s open at a sway. Anonymous
Friends, Jesus said, “unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.”
All that lures the lonely soul, God’s grace could supply, but the Siren’s song waxes stronger on it’s path.
Grace’s path opens more grace and that grace will yield more grace and the more grace brings greater grace and… love ya