Site icon Healing at the Cross




You are the object of His concern.

Cast all distracting, parting, disuniting, differing and soliciting care on Him.

Cast out fear, with perfect love.

Cast off the unfruitful works of darkness, put on the armor of light.

Cast out the bondwoman.

Cast down imaginations and high things for these exalt themselves against His person.

Don’t cast away your confidence;

…it has great recompense of reward. With patience the promise will come. A man must inventory his soul. He must shepherd his spirit.

He must identify things such as emotions, fears, anxiety, and distractions, which carry him away captive.

Then, bring it all back to Christ alone, “The Finisher of all works of peace — (liberty, unity, brotherly love and faith rest).



But you say,”I can’t! What’s happening? I’ve lost my authority,”

Cast those thoughts down!

“It doesn’t seem to work.” — Cast that thought down!

“I’m overwhelmed by worry and phobias.” — Draw nigh unto God, He will draw nigh unto you.

“Can’t!” — Draw nigh to God’s people. They will bear your burden with you.

“They won’t.” — Cast that thought down! They will restore your confidence.


A soldier met a dying man in the foxhole.

He quickly realized that he was one of the enemy. Hatred welled up in the soldier as he drew near his famished counterpart.

The other-uniformed figure was miming  a person drinking something. In a changed  response, the hate-filled soldier  condescended by offering him his canteen.

The dying enemy took a long sip.

After this, there was another hand signal. The fading man was signing for help  in retrieving his wallet

Discerning the request, the soldier helped him get his billfold. He wanted to look at the pictures he kept of his family.

Both men looked and a tear  came to both men’s eyes as the dying man drew close to his last breath.



What changed the trained fighter?

Primal commonalities are on display here. Stark humanity, human thirst, family, joy, love, and inevitable dying.

These primal features  unite us as men and  when they surface,  inhibitions flee. — even prejudice and hatred can be overcome. Here is a parable of the Christian answer to fear, anxiety, and worry:

“A man had gotten behind in his debts; his bills were piling up. He began to get ‘second notices’ from department stores and phone calls

from other creditors. He found it difficult to decide between the claims upon him; so he conferred with the manager of the local bank.

The banker’s advice was direct and simple: ‘borrow from us what you need to pay all of your bills, and then you will have only us to worry about.”

from James A. Pike  “Beyond Anxiety”

Pike goes on to say, “if we really fear God, we need fear nothing else!”

So, the big question is this:

Can something be altered in my life to enable the kind of tenderness found by the soldier? Yes, simply taken will be all idols — all my lovers.

But, take heart, God  is surely vanquishing pride. His cross is crucifying my adhering safety net of excuses — some are felt to be”vital.” Sorry.

” Not by might or power but by the Spirit,” it happens.

We will soon meet our enemy in the foxhole. God will arrange it.

All compassion-inhibitors will be brought to light and exposed.

Precious ones, simply agree with God, cast them “old cronies” off forever, and  entrust  Him with their care.

Now, Fellowship at the Bank of Heaven. love ya




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