“To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God.” Ephesians 3:10
I have borrowed two short stories to help us see both our identity and purpose.
“For who has despised the day of small things.” Zechariah 4:10
Dr. Jack Hyles was going to college and pastoring a church on the weekends. Every Monday morning his teacher, doctor Bruce, would ask the students to get up and talk about what they did over the weekend.
Doctor Hyles stood up and said, “well I have this little church down in…..”
” Sit down”, doctor Bruce said. “I don’t want to hear about it.” all the other men in the room were allowed to go on with their reports. The next week, doctor Bruce asked the same question and doctor Hyles stood and said, ” our little church…..”
“Sit down,” I don’t wanna hear from you,” doctor Bruce shouted again in front of a classroom full of students.
This time doctor Hyles spoke back. “Why are you telling me to sit down? You are embarrassing me!” Doctor Bruce answered him, “I’ll tell you why, there are no little churches! If Jesus Christ is the head of your church ,it is by no means a little church.” Taken from Dr. Carl H. Stevens booklet “Living in the Moment with Eternal Purpose.”
Here is another illustration from that same booklet:
“There was a great conference taking place in New England, and an evangelist walked to the conference hall from his hotel everyday. On the way, he encountered a man sweeping the sidewalk in front of a very large department store. “Good job, good job,” the evangelist said, thinking he was edifying a janitor who was just doing his daily duty. One day the evangelist walked into the store and saw an employee-meeting taking place in one department. Taking charge of the meeting was the man he had seen sweeping the sidewalk. The man he thought was a janitor turned out to be the president and owner of the company. That man was very popular with his employees and with the folks in that town. One reason, believe it or not, was that his sidewalk was always well kept. He understood how a few moments of doing a seemingly small task could make such a big difference.”
These two illustrations are simply teaching us about having an eternal purpose. In God’s purpose, there are no small things. No small churches, no small matters in our business dealings. There are no small people who we minister to . In the words of doctor Bruce, ‘if Jesus Christ is the head of your church , it is by no means a little church ‘. Everything has eternal value.
First, beloved, we have divine favor in our purpose:
What does it mean? Some definitions for favor include:
friendly regard shown toward another especially by a superior.
approving consideration .
gracious kindness.
a token of love .
a small gift or decorative item given out at a party.
a special privilege or right granted or conceded.
Verbal expressions include:
to regard or treat with favor
to do a kindness for
to treat gently or carefully
to show partiality toward
to give support or confirmation to
to afford advantages for success to
to bear a resemblance to.
Second is a quote from Pastor Stevens. “I want always to live as one who practices God’s eternal purpose. That is what motivates the manifestation of divine provision. That provision is the Holy spirit’s love. It is constant forgiveness. It is the finished work. God’s total work is finished. Our failures are never final with the Lord, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and put us right back on our feet when we confess it, isolate it, and rebound. God’s provision is joy and peace and long-suffering. He puts his doctrine inside of us for the purpose of providing us with gentleness goodness faithfulness meekness and temperance. It is his work that develops the fruit of the spirit in our lives.”
Friends, “My God shall supply all your need through His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. ” love ya.